Friday, August 31, 2007

EIS also needed for developments

The conclusion of the Supreme Court that the Hawaii Superferry must conduct an environmental assessment seems obvious but deserves applause from anyone out there who cares about maintaining the quality of life that we knew when we were growing up here.

So let me get this straight; hundreds of vehicles arriving from Oahu to Kauai should warrant an environmental impact statement. But thousands of cars and people and a massive development of prime ag/conservation land at Kawela Bay-Kahuku on Oahu should not. Makes perfect sense to me!

And they want us to conserve water by shortening our showers and starving our plants, yet the Hawaii Visitors Bureau is constantly trying to increase our visitor count.

Maybe the Hawaiian people are finally realizing that our resources are running out and we can't rely on the government to embrace what many of us hold dear. And maybe the government should realize that we are through putting up with its lack of leadership.

Toby Morris

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