Friday, November 24, 2006

Country better than chaos in North Shore

The idea to expand Turtle Bay onto Kawela Bay and extend toward Kahuku is one of the worst ideas I've ever heard. The claim is that there will be more jobs available to residents and more business for store owners. But who are they really trying to please here?

Building more hotels will not only cause even more traffic and congestion, but it will mark the end of the North Shore, as we know it. The country will no longer live up to its name. The locals will no longer be locals, but rather outsiders who can afford higher rents.

All I am asking is to keep the North Shore true to its roots — a beautiful, laid back, humble stretch of coastline free of the everyday chaos caused by big buildings and thousands of people.

The citizens of Hawai'i are more important than the interests of far-off companies; most North Shore residents would much rather drive to town for work than to allow the building of these hotels and see the disappearance of one of the last places of genuine local life.
Rebecca Fonoimoana

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