Pressure and attention is mounting on the Turtle Bay resort plans but just down the road another resort is quietly being planned. Though initially given media attention, this plan seems to have all but disappeared from the public's view. How or why would the Laie Hotel Redevelopment plan affect the Turtle Bay plans? That's the question.

Headed up by
Hawaii Reserves Inc. (a private land management company owned by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints), this plan has reportedly had the support of the majority of the Laie community, made mostly of church members. It also significantly increases the capacity of the current hotel accommodations. The Marriott company is a likely candidate to manage this property as it is ajoining and planned to theme in a like manner to the Polynesian Cultural Center, of which Mr. Marriott is on the board of directors.

As a Kaneohe resident who sees the bulk of PCC and tourist traffic headed to the North Shore, not to mention an out-of-control commuter traffic problem, any increase in traffic is going to be a problem. This is more far reaching than just the North Shore.
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